Difference between revisions of "Project:MyData/Finland/Mapping"

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[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f1R4OtOGOsJ6-sy3krkP3rnPSYz6zleNuxeJyWiLkTc/edit?usp=sharing Link to data entry spreadheets]
== Mapping effort ==
This is part of a larger [[mapping]] effort. You should look at that page first.  
Following categories have been identified as important:
This page is focused on Finland {{Q|564}}.
* project {{Q|567}}
* organization {{Q|401}}
* group (really, seems redundant with organization)
* individual {{Q|355}}
* concept (ill-defined at the moment)
Relevant items:
== Data entry spreadsheet ==
* Finland {{Q|564}}
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f1R4OtOGOsJ6-sy3krkP3rnPSYz6zleNuxeJyWiLkTc/edit?usp=sharing Link to data entry spreadheets]
== Tasks ==
* Some [https://query.wikidata.org/embed.html#SELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%20%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP463%20wd%3AQ59696014.%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22en%22%20.%20%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0ALIMIT%20100 Wikidata entries for MyData Global members] are there, you might get a head start from it (press play button, on the left, editable in Wikidata, exportable to CSV)
The tasks are ordered for maximal efficiency, both in learning (autonomy) and data entry.
* [https://query.wikidata.org/embed.html#SELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%20%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP463%20wd%3AQ59696014.%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP17%20wd%3AQ33.%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22en%22%20.%20%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0ALIMIT%20100 MyData Global members from Finland]
If the whole mapping project is thought of as a map, then:
* the nodes are best entered in batch, via CSV and [qs.personaldata.io | Quick Statements]
* the edges are sometimes best entered via a batch, sometimes better manually through GUI (depends on sizes)
* categorization and interdependency modeling of more complex things (like "concepts") is best done through the GUI with constant feedback of visual query outputs (actual graphs).
Task list:
* Check out {{Q|566}}
* Start by adding organisations on the spreadsheet
* Paul does quick import of that
* ...
== Queries ==
=== Organisations ===
* Some [https://query.wikidata.org/#SELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%20%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP463%20wd%3AQ59696014.%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22en%22%20.%20%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0ALIMIT%20100 Wikidata entries for MyData Global members] are there, you might get a head start from it (press play button, on the left, editable in Wikidata, exportable to CSV)
* [https://query.personaldata.io/index.html#PREFIX%20pdio%3A%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwiki.personaldata.io%2Fentity%2F%3E%0APREFIX%20pdiot%3A%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwiki.personaldata.io%2Fprop%2Fdirect%2F%3E%0A%0ASELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20pdiot%3AP3%20pdio%3AQ401.%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20pdiot%3AP55%20pdio%3AQ564.%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22en%22%20.%20%0A%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0ALIMIT%20100 organisations in Finland] on PersonalData.IO

Latest revision as of 00:36, 27 January 2020

Mapping effort

This is part of a larger mapping effort. You should look at that page first.

This page is focused on Finland Finland (Q564).

Data entry spreadsheet

Link to data entry spreadheets


PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item1 ?item1Label ?rgb ?item2 ?item2Label
  SELECT ?predicateFilterValue ?predicateFilterValueRGB WHERE {
    VALUES (?predicateFilterValue ?predicateFilterValueRGB) {
       (pdio:Q401 "EEEEEE")(pdio:Q646 "222288")
AS %predicateFilterValues
  SELECT ?predicate ?subjectValue ?objectValue ?predicateRGB  WHERE {
    VALUES (?predicate ?subjectValue ?objectValue ?predicateRGB) {
     (pdiot:P111 pdio:Q401 pdio:Q646 "EEEEEE")(pdiot:P111 pdio:Q646 pdio:Q401 "222288")
AS %predicates
    ?node pdiot:P55 pdio:Q564.
    ?node pdiot:P3 ?predicateFilterValue.
    INCLUDE %predicateFilterValues.
    BIND(?predicateFilterValueRGB AS ?nodeRGB)
AS %nodes
WITH {SELECT ?subject ?object ?edgeRGB WHERE {
    INCLUDE %predicates.
    ?subject pdiot:P3 ?subjectValue.
    ?object pdiot:P3 ?objectValue.
    ?subject ?predicate ?object.
    # This is filtering for each edge twice, potentially a huge waste: |E|*|V| instead of |V|
    ?subject pdiot:P55 pdio:Q564.
    ?object pdiot:P55 pdio:Q564.
    BIND(?predicateRGB as ?edgeRGB)
} AS %edges

     INCLUDE %nodes.
     BIND(?node AS ?item1).
     BIND(?nodeRGB AS ?rgb).
     INCLUDE %edges.
     BIND(?subject AS ?item1).
     BIND(?object AS ?item2).
     BIND(?edgeRGB AS ?rgb).
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
LIMIT 10000

MyData/Finland ecosystem mapping (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?str_item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  BIND(REPLACE(STR(?item),"http://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/","") AS ?str_item)
  ?item pdiot:P3 pdio:Q401.
  ?item pdiot:P55 pdio:Q564.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 

organizations in Finland (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?str_item ?itemLabel ?country ?countryLabel ?class ?classLabel WHERE {
  BIND(REPLACE(STR(?item),"http://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/","") AS ?str_item)
  BIND(pdio:Q564 AS ?country)
  BIND(pdio:Q646 AS ?class)
  ?item pdiot:P3 ?class.
  ?item pdiot:P55 ?country.
  # Label service, produces ?xxxLabel and ?xxxDescription above
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 

data operators project in Finland (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?operator ?operatorLabel ?rgb ?project ?projectLabel ?projectColor 
WITH {SELECT ?operator ?operatorClass ?operatorColor WHERE {
    BIND(?class AS ?operatorClass)
    BIND("FFA500" AS ?operatorColor)
    BIND(?item AS ?operator)
    BIND(pdio:Q564 AS ?country)
    BIND(pdio:Q401 AS ?class)
    ?item pdiot:P3 ?class.
    ?item pdiot:P55 ?country.
AS %operator
WITH {SELECT ?project ?projectClass ?projectColor WHERE {
    BIND(?class AS ?projectClass)
    BIND("500" AS ?projectColor)
    BIND(?item AS ?project)
    BIND(pdio:Q564 AS ?country)
    BIND(pdio:Q646 AS ?class)
    ?item pdiot:P3 ?class.
    ?item pdiot:P55 ?country.
AS %project
  BIND(?operatorColor AS ?rgb)
     INCLUDE %operator.
     INCLUDE %project.
     ?project pdiot:P111 ?operator
     INCLUDE %operator.
     INCLUDE %project.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
LIMIT 10000

first attempt, kept for historic reasons (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT DISTINCT ?operator ?operatorLabel ?project ?projectLabel
    ?operator pdiot:P3 pdio:Q401.
    OPTIONAL {?project pdiot:P111 ?operator}
    OPTIONAL {?project pdiot:P111 ?operator}
    ?operator pdiot:P55 pdio:Q564.
    ?project pdiot:P3 pdio:Q646.
    OPTIONAL {?project pdiot:P111 ?operator}
    OPTIONAL {?project pdiot:P111 ?operator}
    ?project pdiot:P55 pdio:Q564.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
LIMIT 10000

spreadsheet with both (embedded)