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== Documenting hubs ==
= Documenting hubs =
For instance:  
For instance:  
* {{C|50|3|47}}
* {{C|50|3|47}}

Revision as of 23:24, 26 January 2020

Documenting hubs

For instance:



PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  ?item pdiot:P3 pdio:Q47.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 

MyData hubs (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?node ?nodeLabel ?value ?valueLabel ?edgeLabel   
(IF(BOUND(?edge), ?propertyrgb, "FFFFFF") AS ?rgb) #white
  VALUES (?propertyRel ?propertyrgb)
      (pdiot:P57 "880000")   # red - activity 
      (pdiot:P55 "00AA00")   # light green - country
      (pdiot:P137 "0000AA")  # blue - partner
      (pdiot:P145 "AA00AA")  # pink - seeks
      (pdiot:P11 "00AAAA")  #  interested in
  pdio:Q49 pdiot:P63 ?node.
    ?node ?propertyRel ?value.
    ?edge wikibase:directClaim ?propertyRel.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }

MyData hub network (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?country ?countryLabel WHERE {
  ?item pdiot:P3 pdio:Q646.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
  OPTIONAL { ?item pdiot:P55 ?country. }

data operators around the world (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?country ?countryLabel ?location ?locationLabel WHERE {
  ?item pdiot:P3 pdio:Q401.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
OPTIONAL { ?item pdiot:P55 ?country. }
OPTIONAL { ?item pdiot:P80 ?location. } }

associations, with country and location (embedded)

Hub initiators meeting work

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?object ?objectLabel ?edgeLabel WHERE {
  ?item ?rel ?object.
  ?edge wikibase:directClaim ?rel.
  ?item pdiot:P3 pdio:Q47.
  MINUS {pdio:P3 wikibase:directClaim ?rel}
  ?edge wikibase:propertyType wikibase:WikibaseItem   #If we don't remove this, then those properties pointing to non-item labels mess everything up
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
LIMIT 1000

Hub Initiators meeting map (embedded)

PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel  ?edgeLabel ?object ?objectLabel WHERE {
  ?item ?rel ?object.
  ?edge wikibase:directClaim ?rel.
  ?item pdiot:P3 pdio:Q47.
  MINUS {pdio:P3 wikibase:directClaim ?rel}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
LIMIT 1000

full triple table of Hub initiators meeting (embedded)

On Wikidata

Hub initiators meeting work


Contributor Topic Visualization
MyData Global the whole network
MyData Scotland MyData Scotland ecosystem mapping workshop

health + education health + education + family activity work all together

MyData Finland Finnish ecosystem

Finnish MyData ecosystem

MyData Cameroon Cameroon ecosystem

Cameroon MyData ecosystem

MyData Japan Japanese ecosystem

Japanese ecosystem

Of course, it is necessary for these visualisations to engage in a mapping process. We explain here how to do so.