
From Wikibase Personal data
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Data Protection Executive (Group Safety, Security and Resilience), Maldon Building, Falcon Way, Shire Park, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 1GA
includes anonymised data, data where information has been replaced by ID numbers or reference numbers, demographic or statistical data
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information that helps us identify who you are, so your name, title or Clubcard Number.
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information that details how we can contact you i.e address, email or telephone number.
Personal data you provide about yourself anytime you contact us about our Services (for example, your name, username and contact details), including by phone, email or post or when you speak with us through social media
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information about your bank account and payment card details
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location information to help better serve you information about your local store
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principally health information where pharmacy services are used, as well as sensitive personal data used in complaints
Personal data including your prescription details, medical history, payment details and contact/address information. Health data is considered sensitive and we provide additional protection in how we store and use this data.
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includes when, where, what and how you purchased each item or service, where product or service was sent, Clubcard points or other benefits collected as part of the transaction
Transaction information, including the in-store and online purchases you earn Clubcard points for and how you use your Clubcard coupons and vouchers within the Tesco Group or with Clubcard Partners
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information about your device used to access sites and apps. could include device identifier, operating system, internet address, login data, browser and plug-ins; location; where you came to site from, where you leave to, how often you visit, in store wifi usage
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information collected about you as a user of our stores, products and services more generally, including survey responses, feedback given, CCTV recordings, queue monitoring records, ANPR, other camera technologies, profiling/targeting information
Your feedback and contributions to customer surveys or reviews
Footage of you may be recorded on our CCTV systems
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how you interact with our products and services, namely what you click on and interact with on our sites and apps or products in stores
Information about your online browsing behaviour on our Websites and Mobile Apps and information about when you click on one of our adverts (including those shown on other organisations’ websites)
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marketing preferences and your interaction with online marketing to be able to judge its effectiveness
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including your postal and billing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and date of birth and title
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account login details, such as your username and the password that you have chosen
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Information relating to your membership of any of our clubs, such as Christmas Savers
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Information about your online purchases (for example, what you have bought, when and where you bought it and how you paid for it)
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Information about any devices you have used to access our Services (including the make, model and operating system, IP address, browser type and mobile device identifiers)
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Details of the emails and other digital communications we send to you that you open, including any links in them that you click on
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We may also use personal data from other sources, such as specialist companies that supply information, online media channels1, our Retail Partners and public registers (such as the electoral register)
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in car parks
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may be useful for identifying customer for GDPR requests
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used in correspondence or for registering for Tesco services - may be useful for identifying customer for GDPR requests
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used for Tesco purchases - may be useful for identifying customer for GDPR requests
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When making a GDPR request, you are asked to provide a copy of your driving licence or passport
You are also asked to provide proof of address in the form of a council tax or utility bill.
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