Tumblr is a social media application to create, view, and share views via blogs.
Tumblr is a social media application to create, view, and share views via blogs. This application is present in play stre
To gain access to your personal information, follow the steps:
To gain access to your personal information, follow the steps:
Line 10:
Line 10:
Check the process of sending a request [https://tumblr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003604974-Access-and-manage-data-associated-with-your-account here].
Check the process of sending a request [https://tumblr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003604974-Access-and-manage-data-associated-with-your-account here].
The response time for any organization to get back to an access request is 40 days.
Contact information for the understanding of Tumblr data collection process:
Contact information for the understanding of Tumblr data collection process: