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Interesting queries
- Lumascape
- What is the impact of a SAR on a data management platform (Q495)(all)?
- Is this helpful for understanding cross-device tracking (Q519)? probabilistic fingerprinting (Q520)?
- More specifically a SAR on an identity resolution service (Q559)(all)? Is it different than for a data broker (Q522)(all)?
- What is the legal situation of Adobe Marketing co-op (Q399), successor to Demdex (Q398)?
- What traces are left by real-time bidding (Q523)? Which are accessible through Q839?
- Which adtech company (Q110)(all) or adtech product (Q834)(all) set the marketing segment (Q838)(all)?
- When are they shared?
- Is deciding the marketing segment (Q838) enough to make an entity a data controller (Q96)(all)? What about if you decide how they can be shared?
- Turn Inc (Q546) for instance facilitated the selling of an audience (Q496) by Weather Channel (Q840) of people more "likely to be constipated". This was determined (?) through the use of geolocation data (Q539).
- What is the impact of an indirect SAR on a tag manager (Q504)(all), can a SAR tell you for whom an advertising tag (Q503)(all) fired?
- Is the legal situation different for a SAR on Google Tag Manager (Q70)?
- What is the impact of a(n indirect) SAR on a ad exchange (Q498)(all)? Can you know whether ad impression (Q497)(all) was triggered? How much it cost?