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==Personal overall lessons from the Sophia-Antipolis workshop of 2019.05.22-23==

* Lawyers need to "steer" more technologists towards what is interesting for enforcement, which might be different from what is interesting from an engineering standpoint.
* Technologists have some difficulty in expressing what is being measured, some words actually seem to be missing.
** The dichotomy first party/third party is losing some of the utility that it carried before: third-party analytics cookies are behaving like first party cookies. In reality, there are chains of calls from ```n``` to ```n+1'```.
** If we want to be precise there are two technical levels to describe what is going on:
*** Layer 1 is on the graph of calls, and why those calls are made. Reasons can include:
**** fetching an image (like a tracking pixel);
**** fetching a script;
**** fetching some other type of content (which? <please fill!>);
**** redirects, of which there might be more than one kind;
**** others? <please fill!>
*** Layer 2 describes the packets of information circulating over this graph of calls. Tiny tidbits get exchanged:
**** through automatic sending of cookies when reaching out to the right domain;
**** as URL parameters in redirects
**** others? <please fill!>
* Lawyers and technologists are somewhat talking past each other, which is natural:
** technologists have no settled vocabulary on their side to explain what is happening, with the granularity necessary for the lawyers to provide opinions
** "it depends": vocabulary in law is by definition stretchable and/or carries heavy meaning.

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