** [48:55] Can you move pages between Namespaces? Yes. (show how)
** [48:55] Can you move pages between Namespaces? Yes. (show how)
** [49:25] Do users have their own sandbox namespace? Yes e.g. [[User:Alexbfree/ExampleSandboxPage]]
** [49:25] Do users have their own sandbox namespace? Yes e.g. [[User:Alexbfree/ExampleSandboxPage]]
** [50:46] The Easy Query Gadget [[MediaWiki:Gadget-EasyQuery.js]] which shows all items that have this property. ACtivated by default for everyone. Just click the [...] next to a title.
*** [51:25] Using the Easy Query Gadget to see a quick node graph for an Item, and then access the SPARQL for that query.
** [52:14] Show Derived Statements gadget [[MediaWiki:Gadget-relateditems.js]] - see which pages link to/use this one.