Difference between revisions of "User:Abel/experimental.js"

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Line 27: Line 27:
       var PersonalDataDataBaseName = "PD.IO" + self + "Database";
       var PersonalDataDataBaseName = "PD.IO" + self + "Database";
       // Use username in user to get up to date version of self
       // Use username in user to get up to date version of self
       var CurrentPerson = {id: 110, name: {user: self, first: "", last: ""}, age: 0};
       var CurrentPerson = {id: 0, name: {user: self, first: "", last: ""}, age: 0};
      recordUpdate( PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson );
       console.log( CurrentPerson );
       console.log( CurrentPerson );
       console.log( PersonalDataDataBaseName );
       console.log( PersonalDataDataBaseName );
       console.log( CurrentPerson );
       console.log( CurrentPerson );
      recordadd( PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson );
       recordUpdate(PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson, '', value);
       recordUpdate(PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson, '', value);

Revision as of 06:12, 1 May 2019


// parts of structures from the wikibase entity used for our interest

var controller_item_id = 96,
personal_data_id = 421,
interface_button_id = 487,

language = "en";
wbEStruct = {
        subclassOfRelations: 'claims.P4', // location of P4 relations in wbEntity
        defaultValRelation: 'claims.P108',
        concernsRelation: 'claims.P110',
        instanceOfRelations: 'claims.P3',
        IDPropLoc:  'mainsnak.datavalue.value', // location of ID properties in related entity
        IDName:   'numeric-id', // ID property name which checked 
        qIDPropName: 'id',
        standardValue: 'labels' + '.' + language + '.' + 'value'
      mwEStruct = {
        wbXntity: 'config.values.wbEntity'

      var self = mw.user.getName();
      // Take username for standard databasename format
      var PersonalDataDataBaseName = "PD.IO" + self + "Database";
      // Use username in user to get up to date version of self
      var CurrentPerson = {id: 0, name: {user: self, first: "", last: ""}, age: 0};

      console.log( CurrentPerson );
      console.log( PersonalDataDataBaseName );
      console.log( CurrentPerson );
      recordadd( PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson );
      recordUpdate(PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson, '', value);
      recordCheck(PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson);
      recordDeleteFrom(PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson,                         )

// check if we are on a page of any of the targeted Entity
// more exactly, use iterateAcheckBC to check in mw.config.values.wbEntity if instanceOfRelations exist, than if yes, check if numeric id of any matches controller id
if ( iterateAcheckBC(mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'], wbEStruct['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], controller_item_id) ) {
  console.log("This is a Data Controller");

// use iterateAcheckBC to check in mw.config.values.wbEntity if subClassOfRelations exist, than if yes, check if numeric id of any matches personal data id
if ( iterateAcheckBC(mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'], wbEStruct['subclassOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], personal_data_id) ) {
  console.log("This is a Personal Data Type");

// use iterateAcheckBC to check in mw.config.values.wbEntity if instanceOfRelations exist, than if yes, check if numeric id of any matches interface button id
if ( iterateAcheckBC(mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'], wbEStruct['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], interface_button_id) ) {
  console.log("This is a Data Input Interface");

// show popup from template for controllers
function controller_display_function(){
  console.log( "it's a controller" )
  var obj2 = interjson( get_Y_from_X( mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'] ) );
  var qId = dive( obj2, wbEStruct["qIDPropName"] );
  var api = new mw.Api();
  api.get( {
    action: 'expandtemplates',
    text: '{{MailtoAccess|'+qId+'}}'
  } ).done( function ( data ) {
    mw.notify( $('<a href="'+data.expandtemplates["*"]+'"> Do a SAR to this data controller!</a>') , { autoHide: false } );
  } );

// show input for personal data
function input_display_function() {
  var obj = interjson( get_Y_from_X( mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'] ) );
  var string_temporary_store_1 = get_Y_from_X( obj, wbEStruct['standardValue'] );
  var string_temporary_store_2 = get_Y_from_X ( get_Y_from_X ( get_Y_from_X( obj, wbEStruct['defaultValRelation'] ), '0'), wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'] );
  var string_temporary_store_3 = 0;

    $('<input type="text" placeholder="' + string_temporary_store_2 + '" id="' + string_temporary_store_1 + '_' + 0 + '" />'), { autoHide: false } );

// show maintenance options for personal data
function data_maintenance_display() {
  var obj = interjson( get_Y_from_X( mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'] ) ); // wbEntity as json obj
  var string_temporary_store_1 = get_Y_from_X( obj, wbEStruct['standardValue'] );  // input name
  var string_temporary_store_2 = get_Y_from_X ( get_Y_from_X ( get_Y_from_X( obj, wbEStruct['defaultValRelation'] ), '0'), wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'] ); //placeholder_text
  var string_temporary_store_3 = get_Y_from_X ( get_Y_from_X ( get_Y_from_X( obj, wbEStruct['concernsRelation'] ), '0'), wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'] ); //placeholder_text
  interface_media( PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson, string_temporary_store_1, string_temporary_store_2, string_temporary_store_3 );

// repeating code patterns

function interface_media( db /* database */, prs /* user */ , rel_A /* current value location */, rel_B /* placeholder value */, rel_C /* which attribute it is in the inddb database - concerns for input item */ ) {
  mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( function () {
    $( function () {
      var person = {};
      if ( recordCheck( db, prs ) != undefined ) {
        person = recordCheck( db, prs );
      } else {
        person = prs;
//    var data = interjson( get_Y_from_X( mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity'] ) ); // wbEntity as json obj

      var button = [],
          textInput = [];
      var ii;
      if ( check( person, rel_C ) != undefined ) {
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < check( person, rel_C ).length; i++ ) {
          if ( check( person, rel_C + '.' + i) != undefined ) {
            ii = i + 1;
            button_save[i] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Save"  } );
            button_new[i] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "New" } );
            button_delete[i] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Delete" } );
            textInput[i] = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
              value: check( person, rel_C + '.' + i ),
              placeholder: rel_B  
            } );
            $(textInput[i]).on("keydown",function search(e) {
                if(e.keyCode == 13) {
                       recordUpdate( db, prs , rel_C + '.' + i , ($(this).val())  );
            button_new[i].on( 'click', function () {
              // new 
              recordUpdate( db, prs, rel_C + '.' + ii , '');
              interface_media( db, prs, rel_A, rel_B, rel_C );

            } );
            button_delete[i].on( 'click', function () {
              // delete 
              recordDeleteFrom( db, prs,  rel_C + '.' + i );
              interface_media( db, prs, rel_A, rel_B, rel_C );

            } );
            button_save[i].on( 'click', function () {
              // save
              recordUpdate( db, prs, rel_C + '.' + i , textInput[i].val()) ;
              interface_media( db, prs, rel_A, rel_B, rel_C );

            } );
            $( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_new[i].$element );
            $( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_delete[i].$element );
            $( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_save[i].$element );
            $( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( textInput[i].$element );
            $( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( '<br>' );

          } else if ( i == 0 ) {

    } );
  } );

// get obj.'rel_0' (gets wbEntity), check if it has 'A', iterate over 'A', get 'B' and 'C' and check if any contains 'to_check'. if yes, return true
function iterateAcheckBC( obj, rel_0, rel_A, rel_B, rel_C, to_check ) {
  var future = false;
  if ( check( obj, rel_0 ) != undefined ) {
    var edata = interjson(get_Y_from_X( obj, rel_0 ));
    if ( check( edata, rel_A ) != undefined ) {
      var current = get_Y_from_X( edata, rel_A );
      console.log( "parsed object ")
      console.log( current );
      // check if we have rel_A relations and iterate through
      for( var i = 0; i < current.length; i++ ) {
        console.log("dived in ");
        // check if we have controller id constructed from wbEntity 
        if ( check( current[i], rel_B ) != undefined ) {
          if ( check( check (current[i], rel_B ), rel_C ) != undefined ) {
            if ( check_Y_in_X( get_Y_from_X( get_Y_from_X( current[i], rel_B ), rel_C ), to_check ) ) {
              console.log("mark +");
              future = true;
  return future;

// get a.b from a and b
function get_Y_from_X( obj, B ){
  if ( check(obj, B) !==  undefined ) {
    console.log( "entity is defined" )
    return dive(obj, B);

// try to convert something into JSON
function interjson( obj ) {
  try {
    return JSON.parse( obj )
  } catch (e) {
    // if not JSON, do silly things

//find second argument in first argument as a boolean
function check_Y_in_X(obj, to_check){
  if (obj === to_check) { return true }; 
  for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ ){
    if (obj[i] === to_check) { return true };
  return false;

function indexinterpolate(obj,i) { return  (obj[i] != undefined) ? obj[i] : obj}; 
// helper function for checking a part of an array exists
function indexcheck(obj,i) {  return  (obj[i] != undefined) ? obj[i] : undefined };
// dive selects matrix.a.b.c.d from the array called matrix and 'a.b.c.d' as string
// if a.b.c.d does not exists, it returns the substructure until the substructure exists, if d does not exist, it returns matrix.a.b.c e.g.
function dive(array, read){
  return read.split('.').reduce(indexinterpolate, array);
function check(array, read){
  return read.split('.').reduce(indexcheck, array);

// Add new record (create pddbname@record) if it does not exist. 
// If it exists, the contents of record are disregarded, and the indexeddb version is returned

function recordAdd(pddbname, record){
  console.log("Add " + pddbname + '@' + record.user.name);
  var pddb = window.indexedDB.open(pddbname, 3);
  pddb.onupgradeneeded = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var store = db.createObjectStore(pddbname, {keyPath: "id"});

// shouldn't the index be the wiki.personaldata.io username? 

  var index = store.createIndex("NameIndex", ["name.user"]);
  pddb.onsuccess = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var tx = db.transaction(pddbname, "readwrite");
    var store = tx.objectStore(pddbname);
    var index = store.index("NameIndex");  

  //||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[  Essential recordAdd  ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    // Get the original record from the db...
    var getRecord = index.get([record.name.user]);
    getRecord.onsuccess = function() {
      if (getRecord.result != undefined) {
        // if found, let's use that from now on
        inp_obj = getRecord.result;
        // let's return it so that our addrecord can be used as a getter as well
        return inp_obj;
      } else {
        // if it didn't exist, let's use the provided record to push to store
        inp_obj = record;
        return inp_obj;
      var sanitycheck = index.get([inp_obj.name.user]);
      sanitycheck.onsuccess = function() {


    tx.oncomplete = function() {

// Update pddbname@record:field value
// Use store copy if exists
// If record does not exist, create it
// Otherwise all other fields of the record object are disregarded
function recordUpdate( pddbname, record, field, value ) {
  console.log("Add " + pddbname + '@' + record.user.name + ":" + field + '/w:' + value);
  var pddb = window.indexedDB.open(pddbname, 3);
  pddb.onupgradeneeded = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var store = db.createObjectStore(pddbname, {keyPath: "id"});
    var index = store.createIndex("NameIndex", ["name.user"]);
  pddb.onsuccess = function() {
        // Start a new transaction
        var db = pddb.result;
        var tx = db.transaction(pddbname, "readwrite");
        var store = tx.objectStore(pddbname);
        var index = store.index("NameIndex");

//||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[  Essential recordUpdate  ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

        var inp_obj;
        var getRecord = index.get([record.name.user]);
        // let's try to get the record to be updated from the store
        getRecord.onsuccess = function() {
          if( getRecord.result != undefined ) {
            // if we have it, use that copy to update on
            inp_obj = getRecord.result; 
          } else {
            // if it does not exist in store, use the given record
           inp_obj = record;
           //give the value to the field to update
          inp_obj[field] = value;   // => "Bob"
           // write new version of record back to database

        // perform a sanity check if the update was successful, could be used to initiate a retry upon false
          getRecordAgain = index.get([inp_obj.name.user]);
          getRecordAgain.onsuccess = function() {
            console.log(getRecordAgain);   // => "Bob"
            if ( getRecordAgain.result[field] == value ) { 
              console.log("Update succeeded");
            } else {
              console.log("Update unsuccessful");

    tx.oncomplete = function() {

function recordCheck(pddbname, record){
  var pddb = window.indexedDB.open(pddbname, 3);
  pddb.onupgradeneeded = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var store = db.createObjectStore(pddbname, {keyPath: "id"});
    var index = store.createIndex("NameIndex", ["name.user"]);
  pddb.onsuccess = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var tx = db.transaction(pddbname, "readwrite");
    var store = tx.objectStore(pddbname);
    var index = store.index("NameIndex");  

//||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ Essential recordCheck ]||||||||||||||

    var recordcheck = index.get([record.name.user]);
    recordcheck.onsuccess = function() {
      if ( recordcheck.result != undefined ) {
        return recordcheck;
      } else {
        console.log("...else undefined");
        return undefined;


    tx.oncomplete = function() {

function recordDeleteFrom(pddbname, record,  field ){
  var pddb = window.indexedDB.open(pddbname, 3);
  pddb.onupgradeneeded = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var store = db.createObjectStore(pddbname, {keyPath: "id"});
    var index = store.createIndex("NameIndex", ["name.user"]);
  pddb.onsuccess = function() {
    var db = pddb.result;
    var tx = db.transaction(pddbname, "readwrite");
    var store = tx.objectStore(pddbname);
    var index = store.index("NameIndex");  

//||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ Essential recordDeleteFrom ]||||||||||||||
    var inp_obj;
    var recordcheck = index.get([record.name.user]);
    recordcheck.onsuccess = function() {
      if ( recordcheck.result != undefined ) {
           inp_obj = recordcheck.result; 
          } else {
           inp_obj = record;
        delete check( inp_obj, field );   // => "Bob"
      getRecordAgain = index.get([inp_obj.name.user]);
      getRecordAgain.onsuccess = function() {
        console.log(getRecordAgain);   // => "Bob"
        if ( getRecordAgain.result[field] == value ) { 
          console.log("Delete succeeded");
        } else {
          console.log("Delete unsuccessful");


    tx.oncomplete = function() {