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(46 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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// License: GPL
// License: GPL
// Indexeddb JavaScript
// User Interface Rendering
console.log('Indb loading');
console.log('Interface handler loading');
function InterfaceMediaContainer ( WikibaseProcessor, indexedDBobject ) {
function idxdbContainer( ww ) {
this.renderInterface = function( sqitch ) {
switch( sqitch ) {
hashCode = function(s) {
case 'controller_id':
if ( s == undefined ) {
s = '00'
case 'personal_data_id':
case 'interface_button_id':
var h = 0, l = s.length, i = 0;
if ( l > 0 )
while (i < l)
var button_save = [],
h = (h << 5) - h + s.charCodeAt(i++) | 0;
button_remove = [],
return h;
textInput = [];
async function controller_render(){
console.log("this function is done by the current page controller for now");
async function pd_site_render(){
async function personal_data_edit_interface_render(){
if ( ww.user != undefined ) {
// Get concerns relation :: Parts of this must be moved upstream, MAIN should know that this is the data the renderer will need and provide it
var self = ww.user.getName();
var concern_origin = WikibaseProcessor.checkentity( { this_concerns: [ WBEStructure['concernsRelation'], WBEStructure['IDPropLoc'], WBEStructure['qIDPropName'] ] } )['this_concerns'][0];
var idgen = hashCode(self);
// Get defval for entity :: Parts of this must be moved upstream, MAIN should know that this is the data the renderer will need and provide it
var default_value = WikibaseProcessor.checkentity( { default_value: [ WBEStructure['defaultValRelation'], WBEStructure['IDPropLoc'] ] } )['default_value'][0]; //defal
var get_record = indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('update record');
get_record.then( function(result) {
mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( function () {
// Take username for standard databasename format
var PersonalDataDataBaseName = "PD.IO" + idgen + "Database";
// Use username in user to get up to date version of self
var CurrentPerson = {id: idgen, name: {user: self}, age: 0};
button_save = [],
button_remove = [],
textInput = [];
// EnqueuePDIO a PDIOLocalDatabase:User database access function with modes
var extrafield = ( result[concern_origin] != undefined ) ? Object.keys(result[concern_origin]).length : 0;
// External accessible wrapper for Enquire
this.EnqueuePDIO = function( sw, c1, c2, c3 ) {
return Enquire( PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson, sw, c1, c2, c3 );
// Enquire, a general purpose indexeddb update function with modes
button_save[ extrafield ] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Save", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );
textInput[ extrafield ] = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
placeholder: default_value,
classes: [ 'pduimark' ]
} );
// Mode 'aggressive push':
button_save[ extrafield ].on( 'click', function () {
// parameter record is pushed to database, overwriting whatever is there
indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('update record', concern_origin, extrafield, textInput[ extrafield ].value );
// Mode 'checkin':
$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_save[ extrafield ].$element );
// record is retrieved from database, parameter record is pushed if not found
$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( textInput[ extrafield ].$element );
// Mode 'get record'
if ( extrafield > 0) {
// tries to get record from db, returns undefined if not found
Object.keys( result[concern_origin] ).forEach( function(data) {
button_save[data] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Save", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );
button_remove[data] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Delete", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );
textInput[data] = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
value: result[concern_origin][data], ///
placeholder: default_value,
classes: [ 'pduimark' ]
} );
button_save[data].on( 'click', function () {
// Mode 'update record' field1 field2 field3
indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('update record', concern_origin, data, textInput[ data ].value );
// retrieve record, make record.field1.field2 = field3, push back
// Mode 'update record' field1 field2
// retrieve record, make record.field1 = field2, push back
function Enquire( pddbname, record, sqitch, control_1, control_2, control_3 ) {
button_remove[data].on( 'click', function () {
var pddb = window.indexedDB.open(pddbname, 3);
indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('remove from record', concern_origin, data );
pddb.onupgradeneeded = function() {
var db = pddb.result;
var store = db.createObjectStore(pddbname, {keyPath: "id"});
$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_remove[data].$element );
$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_save[data].$element );
$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( textInput[data].$element );
// shouldn't the index be the wiki.personaldata.io username?
var index = store.createIndex("NameIndex", ["id"]);
function clear_render() {
var ifel = document.getElementsByClassName('pduimark');
while( ifel[0] ) {
pddb.onsuccess = function() {
var db = pddb.result;
var tx = db.transaction(pddbname, "readwrite");
function notify_porting() {
var store = tx.objectStore(pddbname);
var index = store.index("NameIndex");
mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( function () {
var button_import = new OO.ui.SelectFileWidget( { label: "Import Personal Data", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } ),
// Get the original record from the db...
button_export = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Export Personal Data", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );
var getRecord = index.get([record.id]);
var inp_obj;
getRecord.onsuccess = function() {
button_import.on( 'change', function (event) {
console.log( "Record found in database: \n <<");
console.log( getRecord.result );
console.log( ">>");
// Essential recordAdd
if (window.webkitURL != null) {
if ( sqitch === "aggressive push" ) {
console.log("loading file on webkit")
inp_obj = record;
store.put( inp_obj );
return inp_obj;
} else if ( sqitch === "checkin" ) {
if ( getRecord.result != undefined ) {
console.log("getting from store");
inp_obj = getRecord.result;
} else {
} else {
console.log("overriding whatever in there");
console.log("loading file non webkit")
inp_obj = record;
} else {
console.log( event );
if ( getRecord.result != undefined ) {
inp_obj = getRecord.result;
if ( sqitch === "get record" ) {
// if found, let's use that from now on
button_export.on( 'click', function () {
console.log("Getting record");
// let's return it so that our addrecord can be used as a getter as well
var get_record = indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('get record');
return inp_obj;
get_record.then( function(result) {
// endof onsuccess
if ( result === undefined ) { window.alert("No local data to export") } else {  
} else {
console.log("record not found");
var filename_tosaveas = "pdiolocalexport_" + result.name.user + "_" + Date.now() + '.json';
if ( sqitch === "update record" ) {
inp_obj = record;
result.id = '';
} else {
result.name.user = '';
return undefined;
var export_to_text = JSON.stringify(result);
var textFileAsBlob = new Blob([export_to_text], {type:'text/plain'});
var downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.download = filename_tosaveas;
if (window.webkitURL != null)
// Chrome allows the link to be clicked
// without actually adding it to the DOM.
downloadLink.href = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(textFileAsBlob);
// endof resultdefined
// Firefox requires the link to be added to the DOM
// endofELSE
// before it can be clicked.
if ( sqitch === "update record" ) { // Record Update
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(textFileAsBlob);
if ( control_1 != undefined ) {
downloadLink.style.display = "none";
if ( control_2 != undefined ) {
if ( control_3 != undefined ) {
if ( Array.isArray( inp_obj[ control_1 ][ control_2 ] ) ) {
inp_obj[ control_1 ][ control_2 ].push( control_3 );
} else {
inp_obj[ control_1 ][ control_2 ] = control_3; // => "Bob"
} else {
if ( Array.isArray( inp_obj[ control_1 ] ) ) {
inp_obj[ control_1 ].push( control_2 );
} else {
inp_obj[ control_1 ] = control_2;
// +3
} else {
return inp_obj[ control_1 ];
// +2
} else {
return inp_obj;
mw.notify( $( button_import.$element ), { autoHide: false }  );
mw.notify( $( button_export.$element ), { autoHide: false }  );

Latest revision as of 17:46, 27 May 2019

// License: GPL
// User Interface Rendering 
console.log('Interface handler loading');

function InterfaceMediaContainer ( WikibaseProcessor, indexedDBobject ) {
	this.renderInterface = function( sqitch ) {
		switch( sqitch ) {
			case 'controller_id':
			case 'personal_data_id':
			case 'interface_button_id':

	var button_save = [],
		button_remove = [],
		textInput = [];

	async function controller_render(){
		console.log("this function is done by the current page controller for now");

	async function pd_site_render(){


	async function personal_data_edit_interface_render(){
		// Get concerns relation :: Parts of this must be moved upstream, MAIN should know that this is the data the renderer will need and provide it 

		var concern_origin = WikibaseProcessor.checkentity( { this_concerns: [ WBEStructure['concernsRelation'], WBEStructure['IDPropLoc'], WBEStructure['qIDPropName'] ] } )['this_concerns'][0];

		// Get defval for entity :: Parts of this must be moved upstream, MAIN should know that this is the data the renderer will need and provide it 

		var default_value = WikibaseProcessor.checkentity( { default_value: [ WBEStructure['defaultValRelation'], WBEStructure['IDPropLoc'] ] } )['default_value'][0]; //defal

		var get_record = indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('update record');

		get_record.then( function(result) {

			mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( function () {

				button_save = [],
				button_remove = [],
				textInput = [];

				var extrafield = ( result[concern_origin] != undefined ) ? Object.keys(result[concern_origin]).length : 0;

				button_save[ extrafield ] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Save", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );
				textInput[ extrafield ] = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
						placeholder: default_value,
						classes: [ 'pduimark' ]
				} );

				button_save[ extrafield ].on( 'click', function () {
							indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('update record', concern_origin, extrafield, textInput[ extrafield ].value );

				$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_save[ extrafield ].$element );
				$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( textInput[ extrafield ].$element );

				if ( extrafield > 0) {
					Object.keys( result[concern_origin] ).forEach( function(data) {
						button_save[data] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Save", classes: [ 'pduimark' ]	} );
						button_remove[data] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Delete", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );
						textInput[data] = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
							value: result[concern_origin][data],				///
							placeholder: default_value,
							classes: [ 'pduimark' ]
						} );
						button_save[data].on( 'click', function () {

							indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('update record', concern_origin, data, textInput[ data ].value );


						button_remove[data].on( 'click', function () {
							indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('remove from record', concern_origin, data );
						$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_remove[data].$element );
						$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( button_save[data].$element );
						$( '#mw-content-text' ).prepend( textInput[data].$element );



	function clear_render() {
		var ifel = document.getElementsByClassName('pduimark');
		while( ifel[0] ) {
	function notify_porting() {

		mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( function () {

			var button_import = new OO.ui.SelectFileWidget( { label: "Import Personal Data", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } ), 

				button_export = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: "Export Personal Data", classes: [ 'pduimark' ] } );

				button_import.on( 'change', function (event) {

					if (window.webkitURL != null) {
						console.log("loading file on webkit")
					} else {
						console.log("loading file non webkit")

					console.log( event );


			button_export.on( 'click', function () {

				var get_record = indexedDBobject.EnqueuePDIO('get record');

				get_record.then( function(result) {
					if ( result === undefined ) { window.alert("No local data to export") } else { 

						var filename_tosaveas = "pdiolocalexport_" + result.name.user + "_" + Date.now() + '.json';
						result.id = '';
						result.name.user = '';
						var export_to_text = JSON.stringify(result);
						var textFileAsBlob = new Blob([export_to_text], {type:'text/plain'});
						var downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
						downloadLink.download = filename_tosaveas;
						if (window.webkitURL != null)
							// Chrome allows the link to be clicked
							// without actually adding it to the DOM.
							downloadLink.href = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(textFileAsBlob);
							// Firefox requires the link to be added to the DOM
							// before it can be clicked.
							downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(textFileAsBlob);
							downloadLink.style.display = "none";





			mw.notify( $( button_import.$element ), { autoHide: false }  );
			mw.notify( $( button_export.$element ), { autoHide: false }  );
