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var wbproc = new wbContainer(mw, mwEStruct['wbXntity']);
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// Check whether the current page is in a relation of interest to an id of interest
var current_entity = wbproc.checkentity( relational_id_list );
// This should return an object of relations and ids
console.log( wbproc.xcontains( current_entity, relational_id_list['controller_id'][3] ) );
console.log("test: ")
var h = new idxdbContainer( mw );
h.EnqueuePDIO('update record', Date.now(), Date.now());
// for each match, render the corresponding ui elements
// current_entity.forEach(pdooui.render);
// License: GPL
// Wikibase Processor
function wbContainer( universe, location ) {
this.main = interjson( checkdive( universe, location ));
var the = this.main;
/* The following is the main exposed function of the current Wb Processing class
usage cases
to check the last value in a location given by a preceding array of internal paths to find, with the possibility of array layers between elements of array of paths:
wbproc.checkentity( [ wbEStruct['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], 96 ] );
this.checkentity = function ( paths ) {
if ( ( the !== undefined ) && ( paths !== undefined ) ){
return proceed( the, paths );
// the list of private helper functions, could not be accessed from outside
function indexinterpolate(obj,i) { return  (obj[i] !== undefined) ? obj[i] : obj};
// helper function for checking a part of an array exists
function indexcheck(obj,i) {  if ( obj !== undefined) { return ( obj[i] !== undefined ) ? obj[i] : undefined } };
// dive selects matrix.a.b.c.d from the array called matrix and 'a.b.c.d' as string
// if a.b.c.d does not exists, it returns the substructure until the substructure exists, if d does not exist, it returns matrix.a.b.c e.g.
function dive(array, read){
if ( array !== undefined ) {
return (read + '').split('.').reduce(indexinterpolate, array);
function check(array, read){
if ( array !== undefined ) {
return (read + '').split('.').reduce(indexcheck, array);
function proceed(array, read) {
var ret_obj = {},
temp_obj = array,
// Have a holder for instructional control return array
success_o_meter = true,
future_instructional_return = [];
//|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ I N S T R U C T I O N S  C O N T R O L  ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Init program, check if instructions are an object :
if ( ( !Array.isArray(read) ) && ( Object.keys(read).length > 0 ) ) {
Object.keys(read).forEach( function(path) {
console.log("instructions are an object, in path " + path);
//||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ Check if elements of instruction object are arrays themselves ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
if ( Array.isArray (read[path]) ) {
var future_return_partition = temp_obj;
Object.keys(read[path]).forEach( function( path2 ) {
console.log("instructions are an array of arrays, going through " + read[ path ][ path2 ] );
if ( data_function( future_return_partition, read[ path ][ path2 ] ) !== future_return_partition ){
future_return_partition = data_function( future_return_partition, read[ path ][ path2 ] );
} else {
success_o_meter = false;
//|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[  I N S T R U C T I O N S  C O N T R O L |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
if ( success_o_meter === true ) {
// Put the result of the travel along the paths in array element of array into the future_instructional_return bunch
console.log("arrived at")
} else {
console.log("seeking derailed");
success_o_meter = true;
future_instructional_return.push( undefined );
//|||||||||||||||||| If instruction object element is not an array anymore, lets just do one step ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
else {
// INCLUDE step block with read[path]
if ( data_function( temp_obj, read[ path ] ) !== temp_obj  ){
future_instructional_return.push( data_function( temp_obj, read[ path ] ) );
} else {
// future_instructional_return.push( undefined );
temp_obj = future_instructional_return;
//||||||||||||[ If we are not in instruction object, let's see if we have an instruction array ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
else if ( Array.isArray(read) ) {
// If so let's follow the array of instructions
Object.keys( read ).forEach( function ( ect ) {
if ( data_function( temp_obj, read[ ect ] ) !== temp_obj  ){
temp_obj = data_function( temp_obj, read[ ect ] );
} else {
success_o_meter = false;
//||||||||||||[ If we have a single instruction, let's try following that |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
else {
if ( data_function( temp_obj, read ) !== temp_obj  ){
temp_obj = data_function( temp_obj, read );
} else {
success_o_meter = false;
// If we haven't got a not found signal along the way, let's try returning the object
if ( success_o_meter === true ) {
return temp_obj;
} else {
return undefined;
//|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[  S T E P  B L O C K  ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
function data_function ( temp_obj, moving ) {
var future_temp_obj = [];
if ( Array.isArray( temp_obj ) ) {
console.log("data is on an array level");
Object.keys( temp_obj ).forEach( function ( ect ) {
// if we are on an array level in the data, lets iterate through the array
console.log("Within partition: " + ect );
if ( checkdive( temp_obj[ ect ], moving ) !== undefined ) {
future_temp_obj.push( checkdive( temp_obj[ ect ], moving ) );
temp_obj = future_temp_obj;
} else {
// if we are not on an array level, proceed with the path
console.log("data is on an objective level");
if ( checkdive( temp_obj, moving ) !== temp_obj ) {
future_temp_obj = checkdive( temp_obj, moving );
if ( future_temp_obj !== undefined ){
temp_obj = future_temp_obj;
} else {
console.log('nothing to see here')
return temp_obj;
//|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[  E N D  O F  S T E P  B L O C K    ]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wbContainer.prototype.xcontains = function ( unv, angle ) {
  return proceed( unv, angle );
function checkdive( array, read ){
if ( check(array, read) !== undefined) {
return dive(array, read);
if ( Array.isArray(array) ) {
var potential_return = [];
Object.keys(array).forEach( function(item){
if ( check(array[item], read) !== undefined ) {
potential_return.push( dive( array[item], read) );
return potential_return;
if ( array === read ) {
return read;
if (Object.keys( array ).length > 0 ){
Object.keys( array ).forEach( function ( piece ) {
if ( array[ piece ] === read ) { return read };
function interjson( obj ) {
try {
return JSON.parse( obj )
} catch (e) {
// if not JSON, do silly things
console.log('not a json ¯\_(ツ)_/¯');
function idxdbContainer( ww ) {
hashCode = function(s) {
if ( s == undefined) {
s = '00'
var h = 0, l = s.length, i = 0;
if ( l > 0 )
while (i < l)
h = (h << 5) - h + s.charCodeAt(i++) | 0;
return h;
if ( ww.user != undefined ) {
var self = ww.user.getName();
var idgen = hashCode(self);
// Take username for standard databasename format
var PersonalDataDataBaseName = "PD.IO" + idgen + "Database";
// Use username in user to get up to date version of self
var CurrentPerson = {id: idgen, name: {user: self}, age: 0};
// EnqueuePDIO a PDIOLocalDatabase:User database access function with modes
// External accessible wrapper for Enquire
this.EnqueuePDIO = function( sw, c1, c2, c3 ) {
return Enquire( PersonalDataDataBaseName, CurrentPerson, sw, c1, c2, c3 );
// Enquire, a general purpose indexeddb update function with modes
// Mode 'aggressive push':
// parameter record is pushed to database, overwriting whatever is there
// Mode 'checkin':
// record is retrieved from database, parameter record is pushed if not found
// Mode 'get record'
// tries to get record from db, returns undefined if not found
// Mode 'update record' field1 field2 field3
// retrieve record, make record.field1.field2 = field3, push back
// Mode 'update record' field1 field2
// retrieve record, make record.field1 = field2, push back
function Enquire( pddbname, record, sqitch, control_1, control_2, control_3 ) {
var pddb = window.indexedDB.open(pddbname, 3);
pddb.onupgradeneeded = function() {
var db = pddb.result;
var store = db.createObjectStore(pddbname, {keyPath: "id"});
// shouldn't the index be the wiki.personaldata.io username?
var index = store.createIndex("NameIndex", ["id"]);
pddb.onsuccess = function() {
var db = pddb.result;
var tx = db.transaction(pddbname, "readwrite");
var store = tx.objectStore(pddbname);
var index = store.index("NameIndex");
// Get the original record from the db...
var getRecord = index.get([record.id]);
var inp_obj;
getRecord.onsuccess = function() {
console.log( "Record found in database: \n <<");
console.log( getRecord.result );
console.log( ">>");
// Essential recordAdd
if ( sqitch === "aggressive push" ) {
inp_obj = record;
store.put( inp_obj );
return inp_obj;
} else if ( sqitch === "checkin" ) {
if ( getRecord.result != undefined ) {
console.log("getting from store");
inp_obj = getRecord.result;
} else {
console.log("overriding whatever in there");
inp_obj = record;
} else {
if ( getRecord.result != undefined ) {
inp_obj = getRecord.result;
if ( sqitch === "get record" ) {
// if found, let's use that from now on
console.log("Getting record");
// let's return it so that our addrecord can be used as a getter as well
return inp_obj;
// endof onsuccess
} else {
console.log("record not found");
if ( sqitch === "update record" ) {
inp_obj = record;
} else {
return undefined;
// endof resultdefined
// endofELSE
if ( sqitch === "update record" ) { // Record Update
if ( control_1 != undefined ) {
if ( control_2 != undefined ) {
if ( control_3 != undefined ) {
if ( Array.isArray( inp_obj[ control_1 ][ control_2 ] ) ) {
inp_obj[ control_1 ][ control_2 ].push( control_3 );
} else {
inp_obj[ control_1 ][ control_2 ] = control_3; // => "Bob"
} else {
if ( Array.isArray( inp_obj[ control_1 ] ) ) {
inp_obj[ control_1 ].push( control_2 );
} else {
inp_obj[ control_1 ] = control_2;
// +3
} else {
return inp_obj[ control_1 ];
// +2
} else {
return inp_obj;

Revision as of 20:20, 18 May 2019

// License: GPL
// Experimental Main
var mwEStruct = {
		wbXntity: 'config.values.wbEntity'

	language = "en",

	wbEStruct = {
		subclassOfRelations: 'claims.P4', // location of P4 relations in wbEntity
		defaultValRelation: 'claims.P108',
		concernsRelation: 'claims.P110',
		instanceOfRelations: 'claims.P3',
		IDPropLoc: 'mainsnak.datavalue.value', // location of ID properties in related entity
		IDName: 'numeric-id', // ID property name which checked 
		qIDPropName: 'id',
		standardValue: 'labels' + '.' + language + '.' + 'value'

	relational_id_list = { 
			controller_id: [ wbEStruct['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], 96 ],
			personal_data_id: [ wbEStruct['subclassOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], 421 ],
			interface_button_id: [ wbEStruct ['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], 487 ]

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