Difference between revisions of "Project:Vocabulary/GDPR"

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=== Use cases ===
The Ontology need to be suitable for data entries and the usages of those data. We need to identify use case and test the ontology against those.
=== Core snaks===
=== Core snaks===

Revision as of 13:23, 9 February 2020

Use cases

The Ontology need to be suitable for data entries and the usages of those data. We need to identify use case and test the ontology against those.


Swisscom (Q988)

Core snaks

(Q: how do we refer to privacy policy? there are a few different ways to do it)

Data rights snaks

Multiple choice between different options


PREFIX pdio: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/entity/>
PREFIX pdiot: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/direct/>
PREFIX pdiop: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/>
PREFIX pdiops: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pdiopq: <https://wiki.personaldata.io/prop/qualifier/>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  ?item pdiot:P110 pdio:Q3006.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 

sources on (GDPR) ontology modeling (embedded)