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Filing a SAR

See Project:SAR

Automated tools

PREFIX pdio: <>
PREFIX pdiot: <>
PREFIX pdiop: <>
PREFIX pdiops: <>
PREFIX pdiopq: <>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?service ?serviceLabel ?web WHERE {
  ?item pdiop:P144 ?statement.
  ?statement pdiops:P144 ?service.
  ?service pdiot:P4* pdio:Q188.
  OPTIONAL {?statement pdiopq:P15 ?web}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }

actors with some form of data rights portal (embedded)

Categorizing the tools

Not all the tools for quickly getting data back are the same, or follow the same process. Some

  • give you a view on your data very quickly
  • allow you to file your request but require coming back to the same place later to see the result
  • allow you to file your request, but this just starts a process (often email exchange)

How should we categorize this? There is certainly a taxonomy there, not captured with the current modeling.

The current items we have, which are most likely not sufficient and confusing, are:

All those are subclasses of data rights service (Q188).

Assessment of the utility of the automated tools

device/browser pair Quantcast (Q836) (portal) Oracle Data Cloud (Q1188) (portal) MPlatform (Q1191) (portal) Taboola (Q1553) (portal) TripleLift (Q2876) (portal)
POD firefox
POD chrome
POD chrome
POD phone safari
POD phone firefox