
From Wikibase Personal data
Revision as of 11:16, 12 January 2020 by Stenli karanxha (talk | contribs) (Removed a bug at passing headers to the fetch request)
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// taken from
// non exhaustive list of modifications:
// P31 and P(subclass) ---> P3 and P4   (see #P31, pid == 3)
// wd, wdt --> pdio, pdiot
// importScript and importStyleSheet replaced
// turned into a common script
// see doc at [[Gadget-QuickPresets/doc]]

// mw.notify("QuickPresets")
function debug(alert){
	// mw.notify(alert)
mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-QuickPresets/defaultconf.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css', 'text/css' );

if( typeof(quick_props)=="undefined" ) {
    mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-QuickPresets/defaultconf.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

 * Load the entityselector-plugin, try until it works
 * See:
function quickpresets_loadentityselector(){
    try {
	$( ".quickpresetsiteminput input" ).entityselector( {
	    url: '',
	    language: mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')
	} );
    catch(err) {
	setTimeout(quickpresets_loadentityselector, 100);

 * Add the interface wich alows to quickly add statements
function quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop) {
    // compose and intert fieldset.
    var $fieldset = $("<fieldset id=\"quickpresets\"><legend>Quick Presets (" + + ")</legend></fieldset>")

    prop.defaults.forEach(function(dflt) {
	if(typeof dflt.type == "undefined") {
	    dflt.type = "item";
	var $line = $("<div><p class='addstatement'>Add "":<span class='links'></span>" + 
	    "<span class='quickpresets" + dflt.type + "input'>&nbsp;<input/>&nbsp;" +
	    "<a href=\'#\'>✔</a></span></p></div>"
	if($('#P'".wikibase-snakview-value a").length !== 0) {
	if(dflt.values.length === 0) {
	$line.find('.quickpresets' + dflt.type + 'input a')
	    .on('click', function(e) {
		if(dflt.type == "item") {
		    var selection = $(this).prev('input').data('entityselector').selectedEntity();
		    quickpresets_additemstatement(qid,,,, selection.label);
		else if(dflt.type == "string") {
			quickpresets_addstringstatement(qid,,, $(this).prev('input')[0].value);

	// Add links for all preset-values…
	dflt.values.forEach(function(val) {
	    $("<span>&nbsp;<a href='#'></a>&nbsp;∙</span>")
		.on('click', function(e) {
		    if(dflt.type == "item") {
			quickpresets_additemstatement(qid,,, val.qid,;
		    else if(dflt.type == "string") {
			quickpresets_addstringstatement(qid,,, val.text);


    setTimeout(quickpresets_loadentityselector, 100);

 * Add a formated claim and in case of success show succtext
function quickpresets_addclaim(claim, succtext) {
    var api = new mw.Api();
    var token = mw.user.tokens.values.csrfToken; { 
	action: 'wbsetclaim',
	summary: "Added with [[MediaWiki:Gadget-QuickPresets.js|Quickpresets]]",
	claim: JSON.stringify(claim),
	token: token
	    if(aw.success == 1)
		//$('.wikibase-statementgrouplistview').first().after( succtext );

 * Add a statement with datatype 'item'
 * qid: the qid of the item wich should get the statment
 * pid: the property to add
 * pname: the name of the property for showing a success-note
 * toqid: the qid of the item that is used as value
 * toname: the name of the value-item property for showing a success-note
function quickpresets_additemstatement(qid, pid, pname, toqid, toname) {
	var claim = {
	id: (new wb.utilities.ClaimGuidGenerator("q" + qid)).newGuid(),
	type: "claim",
	mainsnak: {
	    snaktype: "value",
	    property: "P" + pid,
	    datavalue: {
		value: {
		    "entity-type": "item",
		    "numeric-id": toqid
		type: "wikibase-entityid"
	    datatype: "wikibase-item"
    quickpresets_addclaim(claim,  "Added "+pname+" "+toname+"");
    // Check if we now support it with another element of the config
    if(pid == 3) {
	for( var t = 0; t<quick_props.length; t++) {
	    if(quick_props[t].qid == toqid) {
		quickpresets_addinterface(qid, quick_props[t]);

 * Add a statement with datatype 'string'
 * qid: the qid of the item wich should get the statment
 * pid: the property to add
 * pname: the name of the property for showing a success-note
 * str: the value of the statement
function quickpresets_addstringstatement(qid, pid, pname, str) {
	var claim = {
	id: (new wb.utilities.ClaimGuidGenerator("q" + qid)).newGuid(),
	type: "claim",
	mainsnak: {
	    snaktype: "value",
	    property: "P" + pid,
	    datatype: "string",
	    datavalue: {
		value: str,
		type: "string"
    quickpresets_addclaim(claim,  "Added "+pname+" "+str+"");

 * check if an item is of a type, if so add options
function quickpresets_checktype(qid, prop) {
	var typeqid=prop.qid;
    // Search in HTML-DOM
    // for each "instance of" value, run this function
    var typefromdom=$.map($('#P3').find(".wikibase-snakview-value a"), function(value, index) {
	if(typeof value.attributes.href === "undefined")
	        return [];  
	        return [value.attributes.href.value.substring(6)];
    // typefromdom is now a list of Item:Qxxx, possibly empty
    if ( typefromdom.length === 0) {
	    if(typeqid === null) // the null prescription for when there is no "instance of"
	            quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
    else {
	     if ( typeqid === 0 ) {
	     	// the 0 prescription, applicable to all items which are instance of something
		    quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
	    else if ( typefromdom.includes("Item:Q"+typeqid) ) {
	    	// direct relevance
		    quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
	    else {
	    	// indirect relevance, through subclassing
	        // Now check via sparql (much slower but includes subtypes)
	        const endpointUrl = '',
		    sparqlQuery = 'Ask { pdio:Q' + qid + ' pdiot:P3/pdiot:P4* pdio:Q' + typeqid + '. hint:Prior hint:gearing "forwards" }',
		    fullUrl = endpointUrl + '?query=' + encodeURIComponent( sparqlQuery ),
		    myHeaders = { 'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json' };
		    debug("qid: "+ qid + "\ntypeqid: " + typeqid + "\n" + fullUrl + "\n" + sparqlQuery);
	        fetch( fullUrl, { headers:myHeaders } ).then( body => body.json() ).then( json => {
		    if ( json.boolean )
		        quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
	       } );

 * wait for config to be loaded, then execute func
function quickpresets_waitForConfig(func){
    if(typeof quick_props !== "undefined"){
	setTimeout(quickpresets_waitForConfig, 100, func);

$( function($) {

     * Check if we're viewing an item
    var qid = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
    if ( !qid ) {
    else {
	qid = qid.substring(1);

     * check if item is a of right kind
    quickpresets_waitForConfig(function() {
	for( var t = 0; t<quick_props.length; t++) {
	    quickpresets_checktype(qid, quick_props[t]);

} );