Difference between revisions of "Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube? (Q1601)"

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(‎Created claim: interested in (P11): YouTube (Q986))
(‎Created claim: title (P65): Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube?)
Property / title
Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube?
Property / title: Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube? / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 10:19, 25 October 2019

scientific article published on 15 September 2017
Language Label Description Also known as
Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube?
scientific article published on 15 September 2017


    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    Social media addiction: What is the role of content in YouTube?
    0 references
