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// License: GPL
// Wikibase Processor
console.log('wbprocessor loading');

function WikibaseProcessorContainer(universe, location) {

  Debug_switch = false;

  this.main = interjson(checkdive(universe, location));
  var the = this.main;

  /* The following is the main exposed function of the current Wb Processing class
  	usage cases

  	to check the last value in a location given by a preceding array of internal paths to find, with the possibility of array layers between elements of array of paths: 
  	wbproc.checkentity( [ wbEStruct['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'], wbEStruct['IDName'], 96 ] );

  	to return for example content of default value given by array of location paths, or check for existence of 
  	wbproc.checkentity( { default_value: [ wbEStruct['defaultValRelation'], wbEStruct['IDPropLoc'] ] } )


  this.checkentity = function(paths) {
    if ((the !== undefined) && (paths !== undefined)) {
      return proceed(the, paths);

  // Exposed general wrapper for proceed for object other than what the class is originally instanced on, currently unused
  // Could be used to create a further function to cross check current object with another object 'universe' with another for example

  this.xcontains = function(unv, angle) {
    if ((unv !== undefined) && (angle !== undefined)) {
      return proceed(unv, angle);

  /* Exposed helper function to get Entity object of alien entity, if ever needed */

  this.EnqueueWB = async function(idk) {
    var k = await wbqueue(idk);
    return k;

  /* Private part of wb Entity getter */

  async function wbqueue(id) {
    return new Promise(
      function(resolve, reject) {
        $.getJSON('/w/api.php?action=wbgetentities&format=json&ids=' + id, function(json) {
          var h = json.entities;
      }).then(function(result) {
      return result;

  // the list of private helper functions, could not be accessed from outside
  // helper function for descend into an object if key exists, otherwise stay at current level of object		
  function indexinterpolate(obj, i) {
    return (obj[i] !== undefined) ? obj[i] : obj

  // helper function for checking a part of an array exists, if it doesn't, go undefined
  function indexcheck(obj, i) {
    if (obj !== undefined) {
      return (obj[i] !== undefined) ? obj[i] : undefined

  // dive selects matrix.a.b.c.d from the array called matrix and 'a.b.c.d' as string
  // if a.b.c.d does not exists, it returns the substructure until the substructure exists, if d does not exist, it returns matrix.a.b.c e.g.
  function dive(array, read) {
    if (array !== undefined) {
      return (read + '').split('.').reduce(indexinterpolate, array);
  // Check returns matrix.a.b.c.d from 'array' ~ 'matrix' and 'read' ~ 'a.b.c.d' only if it exists all the way, otherwise go undefined
  function check(array, read) {
    if (array !== undefined) {
      return (read + '').split('.').reduce(indexcheck, array);

  // Main object / array processing instrument
  // Array can be a composition of objects and arrays 
  // Read is the instructions, could be an array, or a single path, but for now it should be an object based on our inner convention, example:
  	relational_id_list = { 
  		controller_id: [ wbEStructure['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStructure['IDPropLoc'], wbEStructure['IDName'], 96 ],
  		personal_data_id: [ wbEStructure['subclassOfRelations'], wbEStructure['IDPropLoc'], wbEStructure['IDName'], 421 ],
  		interface_button_id: [ wbEStructure ['instanceOfRelations'], wbEStructure['IDPropLoc'], wbEStructure['IDName'], 487 ]

  function proceed(array, read) {
    var ret_obj = {},
      temp_obj = array,

      // If we encounter something seriously wrong we will just raise a red flag by setting this false, will check before returning this.
      success_o_meter = true,

      // If all goes well, for each path checked, we will have a member in this
      future_instructional_return = [];

    //|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ I N S T R U C T I O N S  C O N T R O L   ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    // Init program, check if instructions are an object (not an array but has multiple keys) :
    // This is the main path of the function. Could be improved to have it for simple array of instructions
    if ((!Array.isArray(read)) && (Object.keys(read).length > 0)) {

      Object.keys(read).forEach(function(path) {
        debuglog("instructions are an object, in path " + path);

        //||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ Check if elements of instruction object are arrays themselves ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

        if (Array.isArray(read[path])) {

          // for each path, future_instructional_return will be filled with the future_return_partition after proceeding through that path
          var future_return_partition = temp_obj;

          Object.keys(read[path]).forEach(function(path2) {

            debuglog("instructions are an array of arrays, going through " + read[path][path2]);
            // for each step, see if it led anywhere other than where we were.
            if (data_function(future_return_partition, read[path][path2]) != future_return_partition) {
              // if it did, proceed;
              future_return_partition = data_function(future_return_partition, read[path][path2]);
            } else {
              // if it didn, raise flag
              success_o_meter = false;

            //|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[   I N S T R U C T I O N S   C O N T R O L |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

          //Now that we went through the path, lets see if everything was ok.
          if (success_o_meter === true) {
            // If yes, put the result of the travel 'future_return_partition' into 'future_instructional_return'

            debuglog("arrived at")
            future_instructional_return[path] = future_return_partition;
          } else {

            // Otherwise let's put an undefined in there
            debuglog("seeking derailed");
            success_o_meter = true;
            future_instructional_return[path] = undefined;


        //|||||||||||||||||| If instruction object element is not an array, lets just try to do that one step ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
        // Unused
        else {

          // INCLUDE step block with read[path] 
          if (data_function(temp_obj, read[path]) !== temp_obj) {
            future_instructional_return[path] = data_function(temp_obj, read[path]);
          } else {
            // future_instructional_return.push( undefined );


      // Now that we have gone through all paths, make future return object into what we got
      temp_obj = future_instructional_return;

    //||||||||||||[ If we are not in instruction object, let's see if we have an instruction array ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    //Unused, this part could be improved
    else if (Array.isArray(read)) {
      // If so let's follow the array of instructions
      Object.keys(read).forEach(function(ect) {
        if (data_function(temp_obj, read[ect]) !== temp_obj) {

          temp_obj = data_function(temp_obj, read[ect]);

        } else {

          success_o_meter = false;


    //||||||||||||[ If we have a single instruction, let's try following that |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    //Unused, this part could be improved
    else {

      if (data_function(temp_obj, read) !== temp_obj) {

        temp_obj = data_function(temp_obj, read);

      } else {

        success_o_meter = false;


    // If we haven't got a not found signal along the way, let's try returning the object

    if (success_o_meter === true) {
      return temp_obj;
    } else {
      return undefined;

  //|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[   S T E P   B L O C K   ]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

  // Function that takes 1 step. Proceed (along a path) uses this for each step.

  function data_function(temp_obj, moving) {

    // we will return an array
    var future_temp_obj = [];

    // Check if we are on an array level, 
    if (Array.isArray(temp_obj)) {
      debuglog("data is on an array level");
      Object.keys(temp_obj).forEach(function(ect) {

        // if so, try proceeding in all directions.
        debuglog("Within partition: " + ect);
        if (checkdive(temp_obj[ect], moving) !== undefined) {
          future_temp_obj.push(checkdive(temp_obj[ect], moving));
        // Put an element into the return array for each direction we could move into


      temp_obj = future_temp_obj;

    } else {

      // if we are not on an array level, proceed with the path

      debuglog("data is on an objective level");

      if (checkdive(temp_obj, moving) !== temp_obj) {
        future_temp_obj = checkdive(temp_obj, moving);

      if (future_temp_obj !== undefined) {
        temp_obj = future_temp_obj;
      } else {
        debuglog('nothing to see here')

    // NOTE this function works now but shows syntactic variance between the else branches
    // Rigorous testing recommended

    return temp_obj;

  //|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[  E N D   O F   S T E P   B L O C K    ]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

  // This function substitutes a bunch of try catches and also tries to dive into 'array' in different ways

  function checkdive(array, read) {

    // simple case, array is an object containing property 'read'

    if (check(array, read) !== undefined) {
      return dive(array, read);

    // array case, 'array' is an actual array, lets return an array of successful trials to dive into each direction

    if (Array.isArray(array)) {
      var potential_return = [];
      Object.keys(array).forEach(function(item) {
        if (check(array[item], read) !== undefined) {
          potential_return.push(dive(array[item], read));
      return potential_return;

    // mystical case, 'what you have been seeking you had it all along... or at least you have it now'
    // This is for when you already at a value level, and are looking for that value.
    // Or when on an object level, and looking for that object
    // or when on an array level, and looking for that array :O 

    if (array === read) {
      return read;

    /* If we did this, it would probably open up a wormhole or a segfault, or that strange error message browsers give when they are maxed out

    if (Object.keys( array ).length > 0 ){
    	Object.keys( array ).forEach( function ( piece ) {
    		if ( array[ piece ] === read ) { return read };

  // Try parsing json. If not a json, go void.
  this.rxjson = function(rx) {
    return interjson(rx);

  function interjson(obj) {
    try {
      return JSON.parse(obj)
    } catch (e) {
      // if not JSON, do silly things
      debuglog('not a json ¯\_(ツ)_/¯');

  // Heavyweight solution to suppress error messages. 

  function debuglog(l0g) {
    if (Debug_switch) {