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Welcome to our personal data ecosystem mapping project!

Why PersonalData.IO?

The goal of PersonalData.IO is to be an integrative toolbox for addressing surveillance capitalism.

We have all lost control over our personal data, yet we have no space where we can collectively reclaim it. We want to encourage a collaborative dynamic around mapping of the personal data ecosystem, together with some tooling helping push cutting edge data and services into the hands of activists, researchers, educators and more generally civil society.

When you contribute to PersonalData.IO, you improve some nice visualisations of the ecosystem, as well as making Subject Access Requests more precise.

Who is behind this?

This project was founded by Paul-Olivier Dehaye and has one employee.

It is financed in part by:

What do we do?

We act at two levels:

  • top-down, offering visualisations of data ecosystems, and the tools to collectively improve them;
  • bottom-up, offering tooling to act on these networks, anchored in individual legal rights.

We also aim as much as possible to integrate the two levels: individuals exercising their rights should be informed by the latest research on the data ecosystems, and should be able to contribute back their expertise.

We are always looking for new contributors!


These are some of the visualizations we are building together.

Data ecosystem Topic Visualization Main item Visualization method
Adtech ecosystem routes your personal data takes when you browse the web Where is my personal data going Example
Elections how political parties, social media services and voters connect through personal data
Facebook's tools various Facebook tools, and how they exchange information [1]
Facebook and disinformation how disinformation blends into our information ecosystem through Facebook [2]
Cambridge Analytica scandal visual summary [3]
Scottish data ecosystem MyData Scotland ecosystem mapping workshop
Mobility data ecosystem actors and activities in the mobility space
Platform economy and work workers contribute a lot of data to the gig work ecosystem
Platform economy and work workers contribute a lot of data to the gig work ecosystem
MyDataLab Geneva workshop run in the context of the OpenGeneva festival
GOSH Use case: GOSH

Of course, it is necessary for these visualisations to engage in a mapping process. We explain here how to do so.

Individual data rights

Subject Access Requests are requests for access to your personal data. Usually you get data that you can contribute back to our maps! Here is a Youtube video explaining the process


To bridge the ecosystem (top-down) and individual (bottom-up) level, we build awareness campaigns.


Investigate how digital services create addiction, through transparency on the data collection component of the addiction feedback loop.


See Item:Q397


This is not formal yet, but data protection could learn a lot from data protection.


Now moved to Maintenance