Difference between revisions of "Project talk:Community portal"

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(Created page with "If you have been approached and have suggestions on how this site could be useful to you, please list them below: * *")
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If you have been approached and have suggestions on how this site could be useful to you, please list them below:
I realize I haven't been very good so far at coordinating #onwiki the various contributions.
We have the following channels to communicate at the moment:
* [https://t.me/joinchat/EQmUKxR1MtQo7HvcrvRA_Q Telegram]
* [https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJmtalgVt1e6puAizOx2EE WhatsApp]
* [https://join.slack.com/t/mydataglobal/shared_invite/enQtNzg3NzkxMjExMjY1LWEzNjRlMTcyYTNlZjQ3YjhmNTIzZTYyOTkwN2M4OGQ5MTNkY2M2NGFiNmIwY2FjODA0ZmY1OGY5MGYzZTliNzE #transparency channel on the MyData Slack]
* [http://forum.personaldata.io Our Discourse forum]
This is clearly a lot, but is necessary in order to integrate different skills and experiences.
Feel free to add more information here, and particularly your purely wiki-related questions.

Latest revision as of 13:37, 19 January 2020

I realize I haven't been very good so far at coordinating #onwiki the various contributions.

We have the following channels to communicate at the moment:

This is clearly a lot, but is necessary in order to integrate different skills and experiences.

Feel free to add more information here, and particularly your purely wiki-related questions.